Monday, February 22, 2010

We had so much fun!

Thanks to all that came out for the Trunk show! I just love getting my clients together to shop! I really mean it when I say you are all friends of mine and I love spending time with you... not working! And working of course... you get the point right?

Anyway, the turnout was great. The clothes were amazing, and the food wasn't so bad either! I am so excited about all of your purchases and can't wait to get my camera working on all of your adorable little children!

I am slightly embarrassed about how much I bought for Abby... and a little something for me as well. I just love it all so much! No doubt there will be lots of photo shoots dedicated to showing off the new Matilda Jane line.
I will be emailing you when the clothing is closer to coming so we can schedule your photo shoots.

Now for the winner of our drawing... are you ready... drum roll please....

Jessica Corotan!!!!

Now I know that Jessica threatened to put her name in 4 times. But don't worry... I made sure everyone was entered... and only once! So she won fair and square! I can't wait to take Malina's pictures again! She is adorable. And that outfit you got is going to be amazing!

I am hoping we can do this at least once a year if not two.... depends on if my husband allows it...I went a little crazy with the spending! Love you babe!

I wish I would have taken pictures.....Too busy helping everyone shop! Thanks again to everyone!

1 comment:

jessica corotan said...

WOWZA!!! i actually won something...i am so thrilled!! The clothes and company were fantastic maria!! I am so looking forward to my mini shoot with you...thank you, thank you!!

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